The Importance of National Memory and Civic Education for a Successful Transition to Democracy
This conference was intended to bring together politicians, experts, civil society and historians in order to discuss the importance of national memory in creating strong democracies that help citizens and Europe as a whole. The event was held as one of the many celebrations that were taking place to celebrate 30 years of freedom in the Czech Republic. The main goal was to inform the general public about the democratic transition process that took place in the Czech Republic, as well as to discuss the democratic transition process of other Eastern European nations.
The conference had speakers from nations that have completed a democratic transition to share their experiences with the attendees. The conference was divided into two panels; one panel discussed the past democratic transition process, the other consisted of an in-depth discussion of the lessons learned from these past democratic transitions and how they help those countries have functioning democratic societies today. The panels were very useful for the participants as they were able to share their individual experiences in their respective countries with those who have gone through similar experiences in different countries. The attendees concluded that the conference achieved the intended goal of helping people understand the importance of national memory, as well as understanding the differences and similarities in the democratic transition process throughout Europe, in order to learn from the experiences and build stronger democracies in the future.
The conference was organised and hosted by ENoP Member Foundation CEVRO (Czech Republic). In his opening remarks, CEVRO Director Mr. Zajíček introduced the European Network of Political Foundations as the guarantor of the event and stressed the importance of such institutions for democracy sustainability and democracy building in Europe and elsewhere to a diverse audience composed of representatives of multiple political parties, high school students, university students and the general public.