Overview Topics
Democracy Support
Support to democratisation processes is a key component of the work of political foundations worldwide. In addition to the vast field experience ENoP members from Western Europe bring to the table, ENoP members from Eastern Europe provide their own and personal transition experiences. In this very unique capacity, ENoP accompanies and provides input
to the development of EU initiatives for a more effective democracy support agenda. Serving as a dialogue platform between European political foundations, EU Institutions and Civil Society Organisations, ENoP promotes peer to peer multi-party cooperation in countries across Europe and the rest of the world.

EU Team Europe Approach – Improving Effectiveness and Impact of Worldwide Democracy Support

Expert Group
Democracy Chairs

Jan Marinus Wiersma
Vice-president European Forum for Democracy and Solidarity, Former MEP (S&D)

Stella Grahek
President of the Supervisory Board of the Progresiva Association
Development Cooperation
Development cooperation is a major topic for ENoP and a fundamental element for all ENoP activities in support of EU external assistance and the dialogue with EU institutions and other stakeholders. Raising awareness and working on the effective implementation of the SDGs laid out in the Agenda 2030, both internationally and on member state level.
With a special focus on SDG 16, we strive for mainstreaming democracy support in the development discourse as every development can only be sustainable and inclusive when it is linked to a vivid democratic culture (political pluralism, freedom of media, active civil society and political participation).

The EU must act now on the 2030 Agenda to achieve sustainable development!

Expert Group Sustainable Development Chairs

Karin Jancyková
Programme Manager Climate and Energy, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Daniela Iller
Policy Officer Trade, Sustainable Development, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Future of Europe
ENoP as a network illustrates that democratic norms and principles need to be defended every day beyond political party lines and need strong advocates in Europe and abroad. To address the important nexus between internal and external policy dimensions, ENoP contributes to the discussion on the future of Europe, where it
brings along the important messages of EU upholding core values, fostering civic education and nurturing political pluralism. It provides a platform for ENoP members to engage their constituencies in a pro-European debate and convene members from different party families in joint dialogue.

Expert Group
Future of Europe Chairs

Panagiotis Kakolyris
Head of International Relations, Konstantinos Karamanlis Institute for Democracy
EU Programming & Funding Instruments
This area of the work of ENoP follows and interferes in the reform process of financial instruments, offering concrete recommendations for a strong multi-actor approach. The members that bring along project implementation experience under the current instruments engage actively in the consultations with EU institutions on the financial regulations as well as on the programming of instruments as such.
The working group on EU Funding is the main focal point for exchange of experiences and for addressing challenges in the implementation of EU-co-funded projects and raises identified problems to the relevant interlocutors within the EC.

NDICI & Humanitarian Aid: Global Crises Demand Strengthened Cooperation and Solidarity

Expert Group
EU Funding Chairs

Matthias Hedder
Deputy Director of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung EU office

Igor Bryzhatyi
Programme Manager EU-Projects, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung