Event Reports 03/09/2019

Bled Strategic Forum 2019

For the second year in a row, the European Network of Political Foundations (ENoP), in cooperation with ENoP’s Slovenian members Institute Dr. Janeza Evangelista Kreka and Društo Progresiva, has been invited to participate a session at the 14th Bled Strategic Forum (BSF), which took place from 2 to 3 September 2019 in Bled, Slovenia.

Under the title (Re)sources of (In)stability, this year’s conference examined the role of the (re)sources of peace and security, sustainable development and economic progress. The sources of global instability have become more complex, dispersed and unpredictable. Effective management of strategic resources maintains stability, reduces security risks and improves living standards – whereas uneven and unjust distribution leads to inequality and the concentration of resources in centres of power.

Focusing on the creation of a resilient and inclusive democracy from a gender perspective moderator Ms Cecilia Barja hosted a Night Owl Session at which participants were invited to discuss the role of women as stabilisers for democracy and a (re)source of peace, stability and sustainability. On behalf of ENoP  Badria Zeino Mahmalat, Project Manager of the project Get involved!, discussed role of women in Morocco and Benin, where the project is taking place.

Among the discussants were, beside Badria Zeino Mahmalat, Project Manager of the project Get Involved! from Morocco, also Cecilia Barja, Community Organizer and Writer from Bolivia, Elsa Marie DSilva, Founder and CEO at Red Dot Foundation from India, Elizabeth Maloba, Change and Growth Facilitator and EAC Member at Global Diplomacy Lab from Kenya, and two Young BSF Representatives:  Lilla Judit Bartuszek, Relations Officer, V4SDG from Hungary and Ivan Nikolovski, Junior Researcher at Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” from North Macedonia.

Jointly organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and the Centre for European Perspective, the BSF was launched with the vision of bringing together decision-makers from different fields, encouraging open debate on contemporary political, security and development challenges, and searching for new ideas and solutions. After more than a decade of annual gatherings, the forum has evolved into a leading international conference in Central and South-Eastern Europe. It draws together regional and global actors from the spheres of diplomacy, policy, business, science and innovation for the purpose of finding answers to the burning challenges of today and tomorrow.

More about the project Get involved! can be found here: http://www.enop.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Flyer-A4_KAS.pdf

Photo © Tamino Petelinšek/STA

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